This article should be required reading in every college and university. But somehow the virtue-signaling faculty (disproportionally white women) would try to bury it.

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True. And even if a college did teach it, then a small minority of students would protest. It's strange how people are so appalled by statistics when they don't say what you want them to say.

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True, closette. However, you left out a few things after ‘disproportionally white women’:

1. Disproportionally white women with hairy legs.

2. All drive Subaru Outbacks

3. All have these bumper stickers: Black Lives Matter; the Ukraine flag; the trans flag; Free Palestine (added after peeling off ‘Biden/Harris 2024’ after 10/7.

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Really good. I'll be citing this piece in an article soon.

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Link to your article?

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